A couple of years ago I bought two of these kits, one in pinks & purples and this one in earthier tones. Made by KnitWhits, the kit includes directions, about 1 oz total of 4 colors of alpaca / angora yarn and a flimsy pin back. I knit it with #7 needles and felted it by hand, using a glass washboard. To sew it together I tacked down all the loose bits so gravity wouldn't make the petals and leaves flop down. After felting the dimensions are c. 6" wide by 5.25" high. ( 'spose I could have felted it even more but the alpaca/angora blend was a little fragile.
The colors are perfect for M., my friend, mentor and yes, boss. I admire her sense of style and was so pleased she put it right on her coat! I made it to thank her for asking my D.B. and me to a special birthday celebratory lunch -- twol months ago, I'm afraid.
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