This evening she tried them on and we couldn't even get them past the ankle. The circumference is 5.25" with the tape measure wrapped around the outside of the sock. This works out to a gauge of 16 sts/1". A little too tight. In fact, they're tighter than the surgical stockings my ex (and late) father-in-law wore. Oy.

I'll unwind the yarn onto my Louet S10's yarn winder, soak it, let it dry, perhaps weighted a smidge if the yarn's still kinking and then wind it into balls. The B.B. just loves the yarn so I'll try again with larger needles and a better gauge.
What about that torque? One sock seems to have more of it than the other. I wonder if there's anyway to avoid that slant of the ribbing. I do like the way the blue pools diagonally down the sock.
The heel flap begins at 7" of leg. For details of their construction see the February posting "The INTERMINABLE SOCKS".