What a relief -- I've tried and decided not to pursue yet another fiber habit! Yayyyyy! Last weekend I took a lovely, well-run and presented workshop "Introduction to Machine Knitting" at Peters Valley Craft Center, my favorite fiber learning center. Frances Collier did a lovely job of teaching us how to use no-longer manufactured Brother machines. As invited to, I'd brought my own machine, purchased a couple of summers ago at the North Country Spinners Sell & Swap Day. I bought it from a most reliable friend. But, I'd never used it.
My father, always entranced by any machine that made things, had bought a machine at the PX

when I was little. I'd learned to use it but didn't really know what to make with it. In those days I didn't have a stash, for one thing. So I was intrigued to try again.
By noon of the first day of the workshop I knew I was going to leave my machine with one of the young fiber artists also taking the class!
It just isn't my cup of tea. The repetitive, noisy motion would interfere with any audiobook enjoyment and perhaps cause injury? And I don't like the fabric -- it looks like something I'd buy in Walmart, if I ever did buy anything there. Even after Fran felted some of our stuff, I knew I would never use it. And, I love the extra room in the house now that it's gone! It was about 40" wide and had all its parts except the metal hook attaching the ribbing element to the knitting handle whoosie thing. It was a really good experience, actually, to cross something off the list!