Monday, February 27, 2006

What ARE those? The Draft Dodgers...

This summer (and note the season, please) I was inspired to make draft blockers for the NJ house. I got the idea from Knit One, Felt Two. As of February 25 these are not yet in use. It's not just because I haven't schlepped out the sewing machine in New York. Nope. It's because when there finally was a windy January day AND I was actually there I discovered, to my horror, that the wind doesn't blow through just the bottom of doors. It actually blows in through every window frame, the entire perimeters of each door frame, not to mention the very [uninsulated] walls. That's a typical older house.

A felted curtain for each door and window, weighted at the bottom, would have been a better idea. So, now I have what looks like socks for giraffes, carefully felted socks for giraffes, that is. Yes, I'm sure there'll be a lot of creative and suggestive suggestions.

By the way, under the draft dodgers that's another one of my pinwheel blankets -- for our cat Bupu. Great way to use up leftovers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mummy, we could use these. seriously. our older house has many a draft through the bottom of the doors... or at least we could put them to good use until you come across a giraffe that needs socks...